Why does the Census matter?
Population numbers and demographic information from the census determine funding amounts for state and federal programs in Public Education, Food Assistance, Health Care, and Community Development. The census takes place only once every decade, so each census count impacts programs for the following ten years.
How does the Census impact New Mexico?
New Mexico depends heavily on the programs funded by the census, such as early childhood education and school lunch programs. Because New Mexico is rural, it is a Hard to Count state and can easily be "undercounted." Even a 1% undercount can result in a loss of over $700,000,000 in funding to these programs.
Will all New Mexicans be counted?
Only those New Mexicans who complete their Census Forms will be counted in the 2020 Census. That's why it is so important that everyone participate in the census count by completing the Census forms when they become available.
What should I do?
Beginning in the middle of March, you will begin receiving information by mail about how to complete the census. There are three ways to respond - online, by phone, or by mail. The El Valle Community Center can answer your questions and will help you complete your census information. Contact us at 575-421-0808, [email protected], or stop by the Center at 11 Los Pueblos Road in Villanueva, NM.
![]() New Mexico prepares for complete count in the 2020 Census
The El Valle Community Center is joining San Miguel County and the state of New Mexico in working to ensure an accurate census count for all New Mexico. An accurate census count means all communities receive a share of resources that reflects their true population numbers and demographics. Even a small undercount can cost the state millions of dollars in funding over the coming decade. Among those most impacted and hardest to count groups are young children, Hispanics, and rural populations. The El Valle Community Center can assist organizations, schools, groups, communities, and individuals learn more about the 2020 Census and its impact on rural New Mexico communities. We are also available to answer questions and to assist community members completing the Census forms online, in print, or by phone. For more information, contact the EVCC at 575-421-0808 or 505 660 3434. You can also email us at [email protected]. |